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Elvin Dhimitri, first violin of the Opera e Lirica Orchestra, tells us about the magic of Vivaldi's Four Seasons.
Andrea Montella, prospects as a violinist in Sorrento - Andrea Montella, violinista a Sorrento
Posted by Giuseppina Cuccaro Interviews Comments 0 views 2639
Interview with the violinist Andrea Montella. Career goals and prospects as a musician in Sorrento, Italy.
Beatrice Venezi, the female conductor under 30
Posted by Giuseppina Cuccaro Opera and Classical Music World Comments 0 views 3147
She is an orchestra conductor at international level, and the first woman to hold the baton of the State Opera Orchestra in Georgia.
Carlo Putelli: What is changing in musical education - Come cambia l'istruzione musicale
Posted by Giuseppina Cuccaro Interviews Comments 0 views 2423
Musical education – What is changing and how? The Roman tenor and composer Carlo Putelli explains it to us.
The flamenco guitar and its peculiarity
Posted by Giuseppina Cuccaro Opera and Classical Music World Comments 0 views 2477
Are 'Spanish Guitar' and 'Flamenco Guitar' the same thing? No, they are not. Classical Spanish Guitar is a term comprising several varieties of musical instruments, including the Flamenco Guitar.